Now This is What I Call Romance!

Song for Sophia  - Moriah Densley

I LUV'D this book!!!  I don't know how I'd have felt if I read this book 2 weeks ago, or how I'd feel if I read this 2 weeks from now, but right now, today.... I LUV it! It's just what I needed!   This book was a soothing balm to my recent frustrations in my romance book world.   What a sweet, endearing romance. Both the hero & heroine are the types of characters I like & enjoy reading about. Their dedication to one another.... ahhhhh.... sigh. It melted away some of the ugly in the world. I truly didn't want this story to end.  It's been ages since I've felt like that.  I was so impressed with the talent of this author.  I'm ready to read more of her work.